Category Calm

The Power of the Pause

But now, when things seem overly complicated, I turn to this simple solution: I know I just need to Pause. In the insightful article “The Power of the Pause” by Meg at One Body Inc, the author shares a personal…

Inner Calm: The Key is Letting Go – Mindful

Allowing our emotions to arise, be felt, and dissolve helps us cultivate equanimity. From this place of balance, we’re more resilient to what life throws at us. The article “Inner Calm: The Key is Letting Go” by Shalini Bahl on…

Stoicism – Is It A Path To Calm?

close up of splashing water

Along your journey towards a more calm life you might have come across the philosophy of Stoicism and wondered what it might be and how it might relate to your own personal path. Well, according to Wikipedia, Stoicism is… “… a philosophy of…

What Does “Calm” Mean To You?

Evening clouds over the sea

To fully understand what “calm” means to us. We must first find out what the definition of “calm” is and start working backwards from there. According to, calm is defined as follows… (of a person) Peaceful, quiet, especially free from anger and…

The Seven Habits Of Calmness

Heavenly Clouds & Spring Sunset

In my last post I addressed how we all should create our own definitions of the word “calm” and use that definition as a roadmap towards a calmer life. Below is a definition of “calm” condensed into seven habits by Leo Babauta from…